Engage in systems thinking

An opportunity to learn and experience practices and methods in systems thinking.

Jeff McKenna - Founder
Agile Action

Lots of hands-on exercises that help you see and depict a very complex organizational situation in systematic metaphors.

Molood Noori - Agile Coach

New learning journey

Understanding the system of yourself, along with seeing deeper the systems around you, is an outcome of the workshop which sets you on a new learning journey.

Zach Bonaker - Benevolent Trouble Maker

Very good way to become more helpful to organizations.

Michael Broome - Agile Mgmt Professional

Three days to explore how YOU can learn to become a better coach.

Philipp Schneider - Director eSolution Development

It’s great if you’re feeling like you’re stuck. The class gives you some tools to look at a problem in different ways that lead to new insights and a confidence that there are things you can do to be useful.

Crystal Harris - Director of Agile Delivery
Penn Mutual

The workshop covers a series of concepts and tools that you can learn and apply to help improve your effectiveness.

Lawrence Ludlow - Director, Process

It provides both insights and specific tools for making effective change – within an organization as well as within one’s self.

Markus Silpala
Silpala Software

It opened me up to new tools and techniques that I can use to improve our relationships with our clients.

Caleb Powell - Technical Director


Sometimes (most times) the problems we face are multi-faceted and complex. The workshop gives tools to pause & observe, analyze the system & determine what experiments you want to take.

Lynn Woody - IT Release Manager
John Deere

An introduction to the steps in a meaningful dance: center, enter, turn. Practice in pairs learning the routine and building anticipation of dancing to the music of your org.

Victor Bonacci - Agile Coach
Bio-Rad Labs

This is an exciting, eye-opening workshop that provided creative and innovative techniques for coaching teams while assisting participants in developing their Agile network.

Kathleen Kannan

We are all at sea in a fleet without a map. Now you will see this situation more clearly and how to help navigate.

Ryan Latta - Senior Consultant / Wizard

Shift your organization postively

Process of learning how to engage problems in a way consistent with your values and shift your organization positively.

Jason Blosser - Assist VP of IT Services
North Dakota State University

The workshop will introduce a bunch of useful tools when you are in the position of implementing a change in an org.

Jim Petersson - Head of Dev

A hands-on workshop with brilliant facilitators / teachers that gives you insight and courage about how to approach your challenges.

Jennie Mårtensson - Business Developer